Grammy Awards Winners

Record of the year: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Please read the letter
Album of the year: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising sand
Song of the year: Coldplay - Viva la vida
Best new artist: Adele
Best female pop vocal performance: Adele - Chasing pavements
Best male pop vocal performance: John Mayer - Say
Best pop instrumental performance: Eagles - I dreamed there was no war
Best pop collaboration: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Rich Woman
Best pop vocal artist: Duffy - Rockferry
Best dance recording: Daft punk - Harder better faster stronger
Best rock album: Coldplay - Viva la vida
Best female R&B vocal performance: Alicia Keys - Superwoman
Best male R&B vocal performance: Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
Best R&B song: Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
Best R&B album: Jennifer Hdson - Jennifer Hdson
Best female country vocal performance: Carrie Underwood - Last name

WTF? eyebrown Am luat eu de unde nu trebuia sau isi bat joc de noi? laugh

2 Responses so far.

  1. Roxana says:

    crede-ma,asa fac mereu astia de la Grammy =))

  2. lil bee says:

    eu sunt TOTAL de acord cu alegerea criticilor grammy...da, chiar daca bee a pierdut